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Virgin White PTFE 12mm Expanded Tape

Virgin white ptfe 12mm expanded tape is an excellent gasket material which has a wide range of applications. It is especially suited for applications where high pressures and temperatures are required.
It has outstanding chemical resistance and weathering properties. It can withstand a range of chemical media including some fluorochemicals and molten alkali metals.
Excellent chemical resistance
PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) has excellent chemical resistance to most corrosive chemicals. It resists most alkalies, acids and oils and is particularly suitable for use in potable water systems.
ECOtape-LE(r) is a unique gasket material which combines PTFE with 15% or 25% graphite to produce an advanced structural matrix with superior chemical and mechanical properties. The result is a soft gasket with a low leak rate and good heat dissipation.
The high quality virgin white ptfe 12mm expanded tape is a very versatile and cost-effective sealing solution that can be cut in to any standard cross section or molded into custom shapes to suit individual application needs. It has an adhesive backing for easy installation and conforms easily to rough and irregular surfaces, requiring lower bolt torques than most other gaskets.
Low friction
Virgin white ptfe 12mm expanded tape is an excellent choice for a wide range of applications including pipe and tube sealing. This material is a soft, low friction fluoropolymer with outstanding chemical resistance and weathering resistance.
It is also one of the most versatile gasketing materials around with an impressive list of corrosive chemicals it can handle including, potassium and sodium hydroxide, hydrogen fluoride, molten alkali metals and elemental fluorine. Its low friction is an important consideration in most applications especially for glass lined or enamel flanges where the seal can become trapped on the other side.
It’s not surprising then that PTFE is commonly used as a seal of some sort in almost every industry. To maximise the usefulness of this highly functional material, it is often filled with a variety of additives including glass fibre, graphite, and carbon. Some of the more innovative add-ons are able to enhance the thermal conductivity and compression properties to an impressive degree.
High temperature resistance
The high temperature resistance of this ptfe based material makes it an excellent choice for sealing threaded joints. It's chemically inert and withstands most common chemicals including acids, alkalis and oils. PTFE tape is a common sight in pipe linkage systems and as a protective layer for cables. It's also used to improve the insulation of heat sensitive wires, and to create a shield against UV rays.
Virgin white ptfe 12mm expanded tape is a top notch ptfe product, with a number of features to help you find the best fit for your application. The most important is its excellent weathering resistance, which is matched by its impressive heat deflection properties and high temperature resilience. Other benefits include a low cost of manufacture and a long service life. It can also be cut and shaped to meet the unique requirements of any job, even on the tightest of schedules.
Good abrasion resistance
Virgin white ptfe 12mm expanded tape is used for sealing threaded joints. It is an ultra thin material that lubricates the joints for easy assemeblement and has good abrasion resistance.
It is available in a labeled plastic spool/box with a white film and can be used in a wide variety of applications. It is highly resistant to alkalies, acids and oils and withstands temperatures of -20degC to +85degC.
The material has excellent dimensional stability and conforms to almost any surface. It is also chemically inert and has a low leak rate compared to regular PTFE gaskets of equal thickness.
For high performance and exceptional abrasion resistance, a range of different fillers can be added to virgin PTFE to enhance the mechanical properties over different service conditions. Examples include stainless steel, synthetic, carbon and glass fibres.