PTFE has no real melting point, and it decomposes slowly above 450 °C and directly turns into a gas. At 327°C, the mechanical strength suddenly disappeared. Insoluble in any solvent. In addition to reacting with molten alkali metals, it is not attacked by any substance, even if it is boiled in hydrofluoric acid, aqua regia or oleum, and sodium hydroxide, it will not change.
PTFE, commonly known as "Plastic King", is a high molecular polymer obtained by polymerizing tetrafluoroethylene as a monomer. White waxy, translucent, excellent heat and cold resistance, can be used for a long time at -180 ~ 260ºC.
This material has the characteristics of acid resistance, alkali resistance and resistance to various organic solvents, and is almost insoluble in all solvents. At the same time, polytetrafluoroethylene has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, and its friction coefficient is extremely low, so it can be used for lubrication, and it has also become an ideal coating for easy cleaning of the inner layer of water pipes.
Low temperature resistance, good mechanical toughness at low temperature, can maintain 5% elongation even if the temperature drops to -196℃. Corrosion resistant, inert to most chemicals and solvents, resistant to strong acids and alkalis, water and various organic solvents.